Backyard Bird Sightings - March 2025
In our store we have a white-board where we keep a list of birds that our customers and employees have seen this month at their feeders or in their yards. This list is helpful for people who are wondering what birds are around at a particular time of year. It also shows the diversity of birds that we get here in Southern California.
Next time you are in the store, check out the list. If you have seen a bird in your yard that is not on the list, we will be happy to add it. We will update this online list periodically, but the most up-to-date list will be in the store. Here is the list as of March 20th:
- Allen's Hummingbird
- American Crow
- American Goldfinch
- Band-Tailed Pigeon
- Bewick's Wren
- Black Phoebe
- California Quail
- California Scrub-Jay
- California Towhee
- Dark-Eyed Junco
- Eurasian Collared-Dove
- Golden Eagle
- Golden-Crowned Sparrow
- House Finch
- House Sparrow
- Lark Sparrow
- Lesser Goldfinch
- Mourning Dove
- Nuttall's Woodpecker
- Oak Titmouse
- Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
- White-Crowned Sparrow